27 Oct Teen Statistics That Every Parent Should Know
Today’s teens are growing up so much differently than ever before. Although that could be said for most generations – the hyper-connectivity, influence of social media, and the impact of the global pandemic presents this generation’s teens with unique and difficult challenges. As a parent, you might feel out of touch with what your adolescents are going through. Which is why we’ve pulled together some important statistics on today’s teens, to give you a glimpse into their world.
45% of teens now say they are online on a near-constant basis.
With the rise of smartphones and the accessibility of the internet, today’s teens spend most of their time online. Whether browsing social media, talking to their friends, or now, doing their schoolwork, being online is the new normal. Although this can bring benefits such as staying connected with friends during this time, and easier access to more information, it can also be harmful. According to a study conducted by the Cyberbullying Research Center, 28% of middle and high school students have been victims of cyberbullying, and 16% admitted to having been perpetrators at some point in their lives. The ability to hide behind screens makes way for more anonymous bullying, and the access to information could point teens in the wrong direction. Be sure to talk with your teen about internet safety, and ways to ensure their participation in the online community is healthy and kind.
About 20% of all teens experience depression before they reach adulthood.
Depression is on the rise in today’s teens. With it being so common, unfortunately teens don’t always identify their depression, or get the help they need. Knowing that depression isn’t uncommon is the first step in ensuring your teen knows what to watch for, and how to handle it. According to suicide.org, about two-thirds of teens who suffer from depression will also battle another mood disorder, such as anxiety, antisocial behaviors, or addiction. As a parent, try to notice these signs of depression in teens. With a strong support network and a trusted professional to talk to, teens can overcome depression, and avoid the potentially severe consequences of letting it go untreated.
Nearly 1 in 3 of all adolescents ages 13-18 will experience an anxiety disorder.
In today’s society, there are more pressures on teens than ever. There is pressure to do well in school, to fit in, to look a certain way, and more. These combined with the ever-rising use of social media and the increasing standards for school can cause severe anxiety in teens. Anxiety as an emotion is experienced by nearly everyone, but when it becomes a regular, ongoing part of their daily life, it has become an anxiety disorder. These range from general anxiety disorder, to panic disorder as well as obsessive compulsive disorder. The good news is, these disorders can be managed, and teens struggling with anxiety can still be extremely successful and happy.
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) programs can have a positive impact up to 18 years later on academics, conduct problems, emotional distress, and drug use.
The effects of mental health issues such as anxiety and depression can last well into adulthood, resulting in risky behaviors like drug abuse, alcoholism, and even attempts at suicide. Social Emotional Learning programs, such as those offered by Tilly’s Life Center, aim to prevent this from happening, by giving teens the skills to overcome these challenges while they are happening. In learning things such as identifying and controlling emotions, communicating effectively with others, and making safe decisions, teens are much better off, and more equipped to handle any challenges life will throw at them.