Onsite & Virtual Workshops for Teens

Tilly’s Life Center provides adolescents with the tools they need to navigate today’s world successfully. Our workshops are highly engaging, super valuable and teen approved-for real!

These workshops below are FREE….Yay!

I Am Enough – open to ages 13-17

Words matter!

How we talk to ourselves is as important as how we talk to others! When our “inner self dialogue” is critical it exposes us to feelings of inadequacy, sadness and shame. TLC introduces simple & effective activities that help to restructure your inner self dialogue from unfavorable to supportive.


Attendees are required to be registered by a Parent/Gurdian. A DocuSign will be emailed that will include a permission slip and photo release to be signed prior to attendance. Photo permissions are not mandatory for participation.

I Am Brain Healthy – open to ages 13-17

How can you best protect and enhance your brain’s growth and function?

Find out in this super fun highly interactive workshop!


Through honest discussion and group activities you will learn to identify:


  • Common brain struggles
  • Signs of a healthy brain vs. a troubled brain
  • The “things” that either harm or help brain function

For more information about this workshop and upcoming events please fill out the contact form.

I Am Peaceful – open to ages 13-17

Stressed out?

Join us for this highly interactive workshop where participants will identify daily stressors, and explore how stress may be negatively impacting their lives. Participants will be lead through a series of stress reducing techniques called “Take 5”, these tools can easily be implemented into a daily routine, or used when feeling the effects of stress. Using what they have learned participants create a stress reduction plan.


Attendees are required to be registered by a Parent/Gurdian. A DocuSign will be emailed that will include a permission slip and photo release to be signed prior to attendance. Photo permissions are not mandatory for participation.

I Am Feeling – open to ages 13-17

When faced with challenging emotions, we have the choice to take constructive actions or react in unproductive, sometimes harmful ways. Dealing with our feelings “productively” helps us to be happier, healthier more successful humans. Join TLC to explore super rad tools that help manage challenging emotions.


For more information about this workshop and upcoming events please fill out the contact form.

Lets connect!


TLC offers our interactive workshops to schools, youth organizations & individuals.


For additional workshops topics and how to get them please reach out.

This Workshop is currently sold out.

TLC Workshops for Adults

TLC is now offering Adult Workshops, SEL Certification, and Introductory Meetings to learn more about us!

These virtual events are for anyone interested in learning more about TLC OR being part of a community committed to youth education.

Tilly’s Life Center provides the tools needed to cope with stress, anxiety, isolation and fear. During this time of uncertainty TLC will teach how to think positively, feel safe and hopeful.

These workshops below are FREE….Yay!

SEL Educator Drop-In Coaching

TLC Monthly Drop-In Coaching supports TLC Certified Educators with their planning, trouble shooting and with general pedagogical and emotional support. This is a space to share in community and learn from each other. Show up with your questions, ideas or just a listening ear. You can join us as little or as much as you’d like. This is for first-time educators and veteran teachers.

TLC Educator Certification Training

Teachers, staff, and administrators cannot be experts in everything.  Our TLC SEL Educator Certification gives educators the background and training they need to implement our holistic “I Am Me” Wellness Curriculum.  You will learn how to customize our easy-to-apply lessons and leave with practical methods to apply SEL practices to your classroom.


The certification is an intensive 8-hr training that walks participants through the fundamentals of SEL for adolescents, best practices, and fun ways to make the curriculum come to life in your classroom.  After participants complete the 8-hr training, they then have access to all 48 lessons in our “I Am Me” Curriculum, SEL Coaching, and our TLC Community of Practice.  We also offer a two-4hr training option as well as group training.  Please contact us directly at beth@tillyslifecenter.org  for more information.

Event Details

Event Details

Start time: 09:00 a.m. PDT

End time: 05:00 p.m. PDT

Venue: Virtual Workshop Online Platform

Email: beth@tillyslifecenter.org

TLC Educator Training: Implementation Planning

Now that you have been certified in our “I Am Me” Curriculum, how will you put it into practice?  Join TLC Trainers and other TLC Certified Educators to put together an action plan, address potential implementation challenges, share strategies, and discuss funding solutions.


You must be certified to attend this session

Duration: 2 hours

Event Details

Event Details

Venue: Virtual Online Workshop Through Zoom

Email: beth@tillyslifecenter.org

One-Day SEL Summer Institute at UCI


Join Us!


Includes a Stipend of $500


To meet the high demand for Social Emotional Learning content for junior high and high school students, Tilly’s Life Center (TLC) is offering its Educator Training at absolutlely no cost!


TLC gives educators practical methods to adopt SEL practices and activities into their classrooms, through a comprehensive SEL framework that can be seamlessly implemented as a school-wide wellness support system.


Event Details

Event Details

Start time: 09:30 a.m. PDT

End time: 05:00 p.m. PDT

Venue: UCI Research Park Conference Center – 5301 California Ave, Irvine, CA 92617

Email: beth@tillyslifecenter.org
